Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Rap and Hip Hop Chat

Come on in to the Hip Hop chat and talk about all things hip hop. I moderate the chat so if there are any problems just email me at MWALL614@AOL.COM and I will review and get back to you as soon as possible. Use the Hip Hop chat to discuss today's hip hop news, new albums, or just hip hop music in general. The Hip Hop chat room was just recently added to my blog. Rap is seriously coming back in 2009, with Eminem's new album, Jay-Z maybe a Dr. Dre album so get in here and chat about rap and new rap albums coming out this year. This rap chat is not censored really, except by chat rolls TOS so make sure you read that before chatting. The hip hop and rap chat room is up and running finally, and if you have any problems with it freezing just use the tab in the lower right hand corner to pop out the rap and hip hop chat room! Enjoy!

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